Michael W. Pederson      



  Learn from a leading professional expert.

Experienced, Knowledgeable, Personable and Approachable



From the Midwest, Michael W. Pederson earned his B.A. in Architecture at the University of Illinois, and is the owner and operator of, the A.R.I.E.S. Co., an Architectural and Building Inspection service, and Home Inspection training school. He has been operating the Home Inspection business since 1986. He has over 34 years of  residential experience as an Architect and contractor, and is a respected inspector and trainer in the Real Estate industry. He strives to improve the Real Estate professions by offering these classes to you. It is his desire that you will learn to conduct thorough and complete general Home Examinations, protect yourself, and learn and understand the professional approach

What You Will Do:

In my most intensive class and field training program you will rigorously develop your own process of inspection. We systematically present a theory, procedures, formats, and various reporting exercises in a sequence. Home Inspection is an art and several skills, requiring repetition, hard work and intelligence. It is a rigorous process learned through practice. Our program is integrated so you are continually educating yourself as you practice your business. If you are motivated, committed, and have the time and the money, your success is assured, but you must do the work. My nearly foolproof marketing campaign will demonstrate that marketing is about you as a professional and not merely as an inspector. Your ability to communicate is the key, using skill, accuracy and an organized practice. 

In my most intensive 13 days of classroom training you will be primarily focused on passing the National Home Inspector exam. This exam is a serious test of your knowledge and understanding of the many systems present in homes you will be inspecting. It is vital therefore that in class you take many notes  and participate and do outside study you feel you need. The test is not geared to mysterious knowledge, but ordinary understanding of how things are put together and what and how they should appear. The 40 hours of inspection time is spent inspecting, discussions and writing reports.

What you Will Experience:

The long course is rigorous, and designed to be accomplished, (16 inspections) at a pace which is comfortable, yet slightly frustrating, and time consuming.  The repetitive training is very worthwhile, since repetition is the mother of perfection. You will become efficient, and feel good about what you have accomplished. Your mind is being trained to perform, and eventually it will become less frustrating when you are efficient and well organized.  Then you have a feeling of self-confidence and control, and you have knowledge, and a clear understanding of your service. This business is an art and requires you to use all of your training, knowledge and experiences, to provide clear consistent opinions. You are building a practice in communication, which is yours and no one else’s.   

See you in class.


Michael W. Pederson, Class Instructor